A Food Plan for Compulsive Overeaters
A lot of people think there is one true food plan that can magically transform your health. If it were that easy, the last one would have worked! The real problem is that we, as compulsive overaters, lack the power to follow a plan and stick to it. Once we’ve lost control over food, we cannot treat a food plan like a diet and take days off or cheat anymore. The other problem is that when we go off the plan, we return to the eating behaviors that cause the lost weight to return and then some.
A food plan is a healthy way of eating for life. Without help, it simply doesn’t work long term.
COR Retreat offers that help. Those that have found success have detoxed at COR Retreat in a safe environment where people just like you get it. After COR Retreat, our guests adopt a spiritual way of life through the 12 steps. They have a mentor, attend meetings for support, and stay free from the obsession over food. They are no longer fighting the battle with food.
What is the right food plan?
COR recommends that you see a dietician or nutritionist to develop a food plan made specifically for you. There is no template food plan that works for everyone. People have different nutritional requirements based on their age, height, weight, health condition, exercise levels, and more factors.
We offer a list of nutritionists that understand that food is addictive. They understand the concept of abstinence, and can help you with creating a food plan that will work for your unique situation.
Dieticians and Nutritionists that Understand Food Addiction
Theresa Wright - Phone: 610-275-3699
Lisa Merill - Phone: 734-502-8264
Karen Hurd - Phone: 715-877-3510
Jeff Woodward - Phone: 612-929-2207
Kay Sheppard - Phone: 321-727-8040
Darlene Kvist - Phone: 651-669-3438
Lori Herold - Phone: 727-791-7200
Other Resources
Overeater's Anonymous - A Plan of Eating: A Tool For Living
Food Addict's Anonymous - FAA Food Plan
Disclaimer: COR Retreat has no affiliation with Overeater's Anonymous and Food Addict's Anonymous.
About COR Retreat
COR Retreat is a residential retreat program that teaches a way to live free from the obsession with food through a 12 step program. COR Retreat was started by Burt Nordstrand, author the book Living With the Enemy. After overcoming multiple addictions, Burt started COR Retreat as a place for food addicts to learn and apply the 12-steps of recovery in a safe, nurturing residential retreat setting.
COR Retreats are 5-day, 4-night retreat programs held each month at the McIver Center in Wayzata, MN.
Learn more about the COR Retreat Experience, and register online to attend an upcoming retreat.